Company Profile
Sheentiff Jewellery (Jade & Carving) Ltd. was established in 1990 with its own supporting factory. We carry quality diamond and jadeite with exclusive design and carving with goodwill. The monthly production capacity is around 10,000 pieces. Our company has a team of highly skillful and full-experienced workers whose expertise lies with quality control, sample making and production managing. It ensures that our customer will always receive the highest quality standard and provided the best and flexible service to meet different requirements and expectation. With our accumulated experience and improvement, we have now expanded our major market to Europe, USA, Middle East, Asia, and China.


Business Type : Manufacturer & Exporter
Main Export Market : USA, Middle East, Asia, China, Europe
Foundation Time : 1990
Main Product Series : Earring, Ring, Bracelet, Pendant, Brooch, Necklace, Jadeite


軒日珠寶玉石有限公司成立於1990年,專售玉石首飾而發展至玉石與鑽石、寶石鑲嵌的時尚首飾。 本公司經營的業務範圍廣泛和多元化,包括珠寶玉石首飾的設計、製造、批發、零售、加工及出口產品。近年更積極參與海外珠寶展覽會,包括美國、歐洲、以及東南亞等地,為日後拓展市場奠定根基。現在的主要市場包括歐洲、美國、中東、中國等等。本公司在中國番禺自設廠房,僱有百多名員工,所有產品均有品質檢定,而所有玉石則由專人往緬甸礦場選購,全部均為A級玉,來配合市場上的需求。 

 業務性質:                   製造商及出口商

 主要出口市場:             歐洲、美國、中東、亞洲及中國

 成立日期:                   1990年

 主要產品種類:             耳環、介子、手鏈、吊咀、針咀、頸鏈及花件   

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